Weekend Happenings Entry 170122

Saturday morning began with an awesome basketball session with 2 of my homies. It's just really rare now for me to be able to play basketball in the morning due to all my friends having trouble waking up. As such I was really happy to be able to play basketball with them in the morning.

Maybe it's just me but I feel that we are of a same species just because of how we think e.g. willing to get up in the morning to play basketball at 8AM. Also the match we played was damn fun because I was awesome obviously XD.

Then for the first time in a long time, I played Monster Hunter Generations (MHG) and realise how much I suck at it now. I'll do a post about my journey in Monster Hunter cause that shit's really no joke, I played every single game of the series as long as I could get my hands on the console/platform.

Later in the evening I had dinner with my family before meeting with my juniors from my CCA. They came over to my house and we played poker, period. Along with one of the homies who played basketball with me in the morning (who also played MHG with me in the afternoon).

That's pretty much my Saturday and I wouldn't say it's the best Saturday I've experienced but it was definitely a decent day. Highlight of the day was hands down the basketball session in the morning still.

Here's a nice Taeyeon song to share with you guys.
