New Year Happenings Entry 161231

The last day of the year begins with inviting a couple of my friends over to my new house for a hangout session and it was just 3 dudes (all 3 are into KPOP, including me) enjoying KPOP music and video over a game of poker. After we finished with poker, we went on to Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 (NUNS4). So it was a 1v1, loser sit out kind of system we had going. Unfortunately I only have 1 controller so 1 of us had to play using the keyboard but it's all good, we still had fun.

As it was closing into evening, we packed up and went to one of my friend's house (one of the friend who came over to my house earlier) and we stopped by a local market in his neighbourhood to buy food and drinks for the potluck we will be having later.

So more friends gathered at his house and we did a lot of stuff together (NUNS4, Indian Poker, Monopoly, etc.) The potluck was fun too although it wasn't really a potluck because we called for a delivery and just snacked on whatever we bought earlier. Really enjoyed the dinner still thanks to Dominos.

We leaped the year while playing Monopoly as it's the nature of the board game to drag on for a long time and the fireworks could be seen from my friend's house which was an apartment on the 18th floor! I guess you could say we played Monopoly from 2016 to 2017 XD

I forgot to mention but my friend owns a dog named CoCo and I also had fun playing around with CoCo. But I'm pretty sure it wasn't so fun for one of my Malay friend who was there as Muslim aren't supposed to come into contact with dogs XD

We didn't take much pictures regrettably but it's fine, there is this one below.

My year of 2016 has been great, of course there are ups and downs but really my personality haven't change much. I'm still the lazy MOFO who just wanna have fun as much as possible before responsibilities in life kicks in.

It's late but, HAPPY NEW YEAR to anyone who's reading this!
