Post CNY Blog Entry 170131

Dear Readers,

The past 4 days has been awesome af. Finally got to meet my Malaysia cousins again and especially my grandparents whom I could only see annually. I was doing a vlog throughout the trip so I could post it on this blog to skip the trouble of having to do another entry about my CNY happenings but looks like I'm gonna do the entry anyway because I realised I have too much video footage to edit.

I'm back in Singapore now, started the return trip at 5PM the day before and touchdown home at 3AM today. It took freakin 9/10hours to return home thanks to all the CNY traffic congestion but it's a pretty normal thing. Just that this year's traffic congestion was the worst.

I'll do another entry which details all the events that happened during the trip and throw in some pictures and videos to help my readers understand what it's like over in my Malaysia hometown.

Manhi Manhi Manhi Love,
