New Year Happenings Entry 170101

On the first day of 2017 I finally promoted to 1 star in Overwatch (Achieved Level 100), but that's not the main point #justsaying.

The first day of the year started in the afternoon where I went to collect Twice 3rd Mini Album Xmas Edition from my seller and the album design was amazing. I really love the dark navy colour concept integration they used to portray the night sky in the album and of course, the members looked amazing.

But the thing that yall probably wanna know the most, who's photo card did I get? I got Dubu's special foil card (lucky for my friend who bias Dahyun) and Mina's standard photo card. I think I must have really strong affinity with Mina as every album that I've bought from Twice up til now contains at least one of Mina's card.

I met with my friends from secondary school (high school in other countries) for dinner to collect a camera I asked him to buy online. I'll probably post another entry for the camera itself. More importantly we went to this diner called The Rosti Farm and the food was 10/10. You thought potatoes are best served as fries? Wait til you try Rosti. It's basically thin sliced potatoes served in the style of fritters and there are other standard food that can come along with it.

I apologise in advance for arousing anyone's appetite through the photos below.

Enough about the restaurant, let's move on. As we were waiting for our food to be served after ordering, my friends went to get FREE ice water (I ordered a SGD 2.50 Ice Lemon Tea because I didn't know of the free ice water) and one of the cups was a trap.

As my friend drank from the cup, the water falls through a hole and poured all over his pants. The cup has a hole, it was really suggestive as to what happened to his pants when other strangers saw it XD

All jokes aside, I definitely recommend checking the place out if the restaurant is available in your country. At your convenience of course.

I hope you enjoyed reading this entry and have a great year ahead!
