APink arrival in Singapore! 20161124


Anyway I went to the airport with a friend to welcome APink which was I thought was gonna be my main motive there (Welcoming APink) but I ended up enjoying the day with my homie instead.

I tried the Mi Rebus at Nanyang 1983 for the first time at the airport before APink's arrival and honestly it was good but that's about as much as I can say. Because it was too spicy for me, I couldn't really fully savour the taste due to that.

After that my homie brought me to an isolated area in the airport where people would go there to dance and I fell in love with the place at first sight. I enjoy dancing albeit I'm not good at it and my house has always been my playground for dancing however it is too small.

Anyway today was great but tomorrow will be better (cause it's Friday) and there's Anime Festival Asia going on this weekend so I'll probably be out for the weekend.

Hope you enjoyed this entry LKLHUGTFDWVBAPOQWHF :D
