Random Blog Entry 170213

Dear Readers,

It's so hard to commit to blogging now as I've been busy making videos and streaming now. All fun stuff to do but I wanna blog too except that I'm getting lazy as well xD. Nonetheless I'm happy to be doing what I've always wanted to do.

I've always thought that making videos and streaming were cool but never thought that I'll actually do it. But yea, here I am doing what I've always dreamed of doing HAHAHA. Of course I can't make any income out of it yet. And I don't actually do this to acquire an extra passive income but it's more of to gain exposure. But I love money so if there's extra money, WHY NOT XD.

Anyway, I'm sorry that part 2 of the CNY blog is not out yet as I was busy with the stuffs mentioned above. Here are some videos I made while I was busy instead.

Best Regards,
