I Streamed Today :D

Actually I've been streaming for the past few days but the stream tonight felt like a job to me as there were more than the usual amount of people watching thanks to my friend who hosted and came to support me.

I know I've said that I wanna live a low profile life and detested attention and what not but when I saw that 20 view count on my Twitch Channel, I felt excited and delighted. I can't deny that I like having the attention of people who enjoy my contents or simply put - fans. I would really love it if I have fans.

That said, I'm a really contradicting person right HAHAHAHA. Oh Wells, as long as I'm enjoying myself XD

That feeling after you end your stream when there's people watching, it's the feeling of emptiness. It's like one moment you were interacting with multiple people and suddenly you're alone now.

It's not the best feeling in the world but that's a side effect I learned if you're ever / slightly immerse and attached to your interacting party. Especially if you're like performing and what not.


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