♠ KPOP Fan Fictions ♠ Chapter 1: GFriend's Lovely Yerin-ssi ♠

GFriend | Yerin x Eunha

Part 1

- Start -

I woke up to the sound of strong wind turbulence and looked around with blurred vision. Albeit not clear, I could see the figure of the member sitting next to me. Then I could hear the member calling out to me.

"Eunbi... Eunbi..."

My vision sharpened and I could see Yerin's thousand watt smile.

She leans forward and blows lightly into my eyes to ensure I was conscious. My eyes blink immediately and my entire body shift backwards in reaction to what she did.

Yerin could clearly see that I was awake and she giggled for a bit.

"Hahaha XD"

Yerin's always a joy to sit beside during plane flights for our schedule. We would share a blanket together and listen to our favourite music, she would give me warm hugs whenever i show the slightest sign of feeling cold.

It was awkward at first but I eventually became comfortable with it and enjoyed her company :D

"Our Eunbi is so cute."

I was flustered and couldn't hide my blushing when she said that, so instead I puffed my cheeks and did an aegyo towards her.

Yerin let out a "KYAAAA", proceeds to squeeze my cheeks and pull me over to her and kissed me on the forehead and hugs me tightly. I became shy instantly and my face was tomato red.

"Unnie let me go, this is embarassing ><"

I say that but I'm actually squealing in delight deep inside.

Yerin loosen her arms around me and I spring back onto my seat.

"Sorry Eunbi, but you were just too cute XD"

"It's okay, I was just worried about waking the other passengers up."

"I'm happy our Eunbi is so well-mannered and considerate of others."

"Sowon unnie would get mad at us if we woke up the other passengers ><"

"It's okay, the plane is landing soon so people should be awake XD"

Sowon unnie who was 2 seats in front of us stood up and told us to get ready for landing.

"Okayyy", we replied.

After our plane landed, the members took their hand carried luggage from the carrier compartments above the seats.

I was unfortunately on the shorter side of the height spectrum so I was having difficulty retrieving my belongings from the carrier.

Yerin ninja-ed on me and took my belongings down for me and gave me a pat on the head.

"Thank you Unnie!" *I let out a bright smile*

"Let's go join the rest quickly."

I nodded and we hurriedly got off the plane.

We arrived early so we had some free time to roam around the airport while we wait for our bus to the hotel. The other members went to get something from the Starbucks around the corner leaving me and Yerin to derp around our belongings.

Yerin was staring down onto her phone as she was playing Summoners War. I was bored so I kept bugging Yerin to play with me. She eventually gave in, put her phone away and we played Cham Cham Cham.

We replaced the hammer with our fingers and the smacking with patting.

With extreme desire to mess Yerin's hair up, we began the game.

"Cham Cham Cham" *Gasp... Yerin got me on the first try*

"I hope you don't mind a messy head :B"

"Unnie please be gentle :("

"Your hair is short anyway, don't worry ;)"


She began patting my head gently and suddenly went frenzy stroking my head. My hair was messed up :(

"Eunbi still looks cute HAHAHA"

I pouted and I was bend on getting revenge on Yerin!

"Again!!! One more time!!!"

"Sure ;)", sounding confident as though she would win again.

"Cham Cham Cham" *This time she misses*

"Cham Cham Cham" *And I got her, YESSSSSSSSSSSS*

She gasped and swept her almond creme coloured-hair behind her ears to ready for punishment.

"Unnie is ready ><", she squeezed her eyes closed.

"Sorry Unnie XD"

I mercilessly stroke her head and the pleasure was so fulfilling XD The pleasure of revenge that is and how cute her squealing was.

Amidst that, I can't help but confirm how pretty Yerin is. Well everyone in GFriend is pretty in my opinion but I confirmed Yerin's beauty in this instant as I was messing with her.

"Unnie let's take a selfie XD", I took out my phone and turned on the camera.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!", Yerin quickly tidies her hair.

*Camera Shutter Clicks*

I took a look at the shot first and I was super satisfied with the shot.

"Let me see the photo!", I showed the photo to Yerin.

"Too cute you are Eunbi ❤"

"You're too pretty too ❤"

We both teased each other for a bit before Sowon and the rest comes back with Starbucks and Manager-nim informs us that our bus is here.

We left the airport feeling closer to each other and the other members could sense something was going on and started teasing me and Yerin.

I playfully put my arms around her shoulder and pulled her closer only to cause an awkward moment as we stared each other in the eyes.

The other members laughed at us while we quickly got on the bus and left for the hotel.

- End-

Part 2

- Start -

Everyone settle down on their seat in the bus (me beside Yerin) and Manager-nim briefed us on our schedule for tomorrow. Then we were told to take the time to rest on the bus as the ride to our hotel would take sometime.

Despite what Manager-nim said, all members conversed and played bonding games for half an hour before everyone ran out of energy and became tired.

I began to feel a little hungry and wanted to munch on something (Definitely wouldn't mind munching on Yerin XD).

I turned to Yerin, "Unnie, do you have anything to eat??"

"Give me moment."

Yerin ran through her backpack, took out a bag of chips and opened it.

"Thanks unnie!" *Sends out a bright smile"

I happily grabbed some chips from her and began munching away (as did Yerin).

There's a huge difference between my snacking manners and Yerin's, she grabbed a handful of chips and devour them while I was nibble on the chips.

Because of the way she ate, there were bits and pieces of chips over her lips and her cheeks was puffed up half the time.

She looked sooooooooooo adorable.

I took out some tissues, lifted her chin and wiped the chips off her lips.

Her lips was so inviting and the soft sensation of her skin just makes me wanna pull her cheeks.

"Unnie you're eating like a little girl."

"I am still a little girl!"

"You're not a kid anymore unnie XD" 
(But honestly, I don't mind her eating like this since I get to see her cute expressions)

She pouted but she was clearly enjoying the service I was providing her.

"Eunbi ah..."

"Yes unnie?"

"You could always clean me with something else other than the tissue ;)"

I was taken aback by her suggestive comment but because I didn't want her to always be the dominating one in our relationship, I playfully replied.

"You mean my lips?"

"Well if you say so..."

At this point, we are both aware that we are just toughing it out with each other.

She pointed at her lips inviting me over for a kiss. I leaned forward and slowly advance towards her.

As our lips were reaching each others', we shut out eyes closed and was ready for the kiss. (I believe she would back out at the last moment.)

*Smuackx* Our lips touched and I immediately fall back with my fingers on my lips. My eyes were wide open in shock that we really kissed. There goes our first kiss.

I was flustered and shy and embarrassed and blushing and KYAAAAAAA!!! My first kiss was taken by Yerin and hers by me XD

She reacted the same exact way I did.



"... ..."

"... ..."

Awkward silence for a moment.



"Your lips are nice to kiss."

"What are you saying? Why are you being like this!"

"I was just complimenting you" *laughing*

"You're so bad :("

I made a cute pout expression and looked away from Yerin.

Suddenly her arms wrapped around my waist and I let out a giggle cause it was ticklish.

"I'm sorry Eunbi... Please don't ignore me T.T"

"It's okay... I was fooling around too :D"

"Love you Eunbi ❤"

"Love you too Unnie ❤"

Yerin sends out a broad smile and started playing Summoners War.

"I'll be sleeping for a bit Eunbi."

She sets her Summoners War to play on auto and went to sleep.

I put a blanket over her and noticed how cute her sleeping face was. Weird thoughts ran through my head but in summary, she's a vulnerable prey now. But I did not do anything of courses ;)

I started to feel sleepy too and with around an hour more of travel time to our hotel, my conscious slowly faded away and I felt asleep. (Happy that the last thing I saw before sleeping is Yerin's cute sleeping face)

- End-

Part 3

- Start -

My sleep was disrupted by Manager-nim’s call as we reached the hotel. I woke up in a blurry state however I could feel a soft sensation pressed against my arms.

I turned my head and saw Yerin’s super cute sleeping expression! She has her arms cling around mine with her chubby cheeks pressing against my arms and she was drooling.

As my conscious fully sharpened, Yerin just woke up in the same blurry state that I was in.

She gave me a cute silly smile with her drool still there and I took out some tissues to wipe the drool away.

“Thank you Eunbi.”

“You’re so silly Unnie, come we’re at the hotel already.”

“Really? Where where?”

“Let’s get our stuff and leave the bus first.”


We alighted the bus last following Manager-nim and the other members and staffs.

The night was extremely cold, everyone breathe into their own hands creating a temporary warm sensation, only to repeat the process as we were unloading our luggage from the bus.

The wind howls and cuts through my slightly-larger-than-me pullover hoodie causing me to sneeze.

“You okay? Come…”

Yerin hugs me and put her scarf around our neck.

“Thanks Unnie, it’s just the weather.”

“Do you feel better now?”

“Yeap, thanks!” *I rub my cheeks against hers*

Yerin’s lukewarm embrace gave me a calming and comfortable feeling and she smells good XD. She gives off a fragrant rose scent unique only to her. I enjoy mild skin ship with all my members but Yerin’s my favourite. If I could, I would never leave her embrace :P

“Eunbi, look at our hotel!”

I turned to look at the hotel and it was a sight for sore eyes. We could see the electric heaters through the glass windows of the hotel. Due to the fatigue and freezing environment and belongings, it was impossible to run towards the hotel and the best everyone could do was brisk walk.

“Go into the hotel quickly!”, Manager-nim shouted amidst the roaring wind.

“Let’s go Eunbi.”

Yerin and I engulfed ourselves in each other’s warmth as we went towards the hotel.

“It’s so cold Unnie…”

“We are almost there Eunbi, look at those heaters!”

“My ears are freezing ;_;”

“Unnie will treat you to snacks later, don’t cry okay??”

Upon hearing the snack treat, I was filled with motivation and held back my tears due to the frostbites. We sped up and eventually reach and entered the hotel.

“Yayyyyyy warmthhhhh~”

Yerin rubs my ears gently with her fingers to warm me up.
This is an optional interaction scenario, you can choose from one of the choices below or just skip this segment entirely. This will not affect the course of the story.

As Eunha, would you:

Choice A – Grab Yerin’s arms and wrap them around your neck (from behind)

“Unnie, your arms are 9999 times more effective than your scarf.”

Yerin rests her head on my shoulder.

“Of course Eunbi, I’m your Unnie afterall.”

“Does my shoulder feels good to rest on?”

“As comfortable as my arms are wrapped around your neck.”

“Must be heavenly then.”

Yerin rubs her head against my cheeks as they were laid on my shoulder and I return her a kiss to her cheeks.

Choice B – Grab Yerin’s hands and give them (her hands) a kiss

Yerin pulled her hands back due as she was surprised.

“Eunbi ahhhh”

“Your reaction is so cute Unnie”

“Why did you do that?”

“To warm your hands.”

Yerin showed a proud parent expression.

“Our Eunbi has grown up to be considerate.”

I sent her a thousand watt smile.

As everyone was warming up in the hotel lobby, Manager-nim was at the desk counter doing check-ins for everyone.

Sowon gathered the members to check up on everyone and handed out snacks to everyone. As expected of our leader unnie. More importantly, everyone was fine.

“Unnie, where’s the snack treat you promised me?”


“You lied to me? ;_;”

“How could I lie to our lovely Eunbi?”

“Where’s my snack treat then?”

“Ahhhh, follow me.”

Yerin brought me to a mini-café counter by the hotel lobby.

“Which flavoured macarons do you want?”

My eyes lighted up at the sight of the vibrant, vivid, rainbow coloured macarons on display at the café counter. The macaroons were sold in 4s at a promotional price.

“They are so colourful!”

“Like you are.”

I blushed a little.

“But they are so expensive…”

“Don’t worry, Unnie is paying for it.”

“I do not want Unnie to spend so much.”

“Eunbi, we are Yeoja Chingu members ;)” *Implying we can afford this luxury*


I couldn't find the last flavor that I wanted...

"Is there any black coloured macaron?", Yerin asked the staff.

I was touched and happy. Yerin remembers my favourite colours... Black, White, Blue and Green. She knew I was only picking the flavors of the macarons based on my favourite colours.

"Sorry we do not have any black coloured macaron.", the staff replied.

"Its okay then, give us 1 more Citron flavor then."

Of course Yerin would choose that flavor ;)

After Yerin made the payment, we quickly rendezvous with the rest as the check-in procedure was complete and we were ready to move to our rooms.

- End-

Part 4

- Start -

Guess who I'm sleeping with?? IT'S YERIN BWAHAHAHA.

We probably woke every other guests staying on the same floor as we dragged our luggage across the hallway. We were noisy, like to the extend of becoming a nuisance to the public audience as everyone are hyped after we warmed up from the cold.

Of course, manager-nim put us back in our place.

"YAAAAA, keep your volume down.", manager-nim scolded us (more like yelled at us).

I was terrified as manager-nim rarely yells at us. He must've had a tiring day.

I know my pupils were shaking due to fear despite not being able to see my own face and everyone probably had a similar reaction as we all went quiet.

"Just go to your room and rest early. Don't make too much noise."

"Sorry...', everyone apologised.

The staff and manager-nim moved on to their rooms first.

I was tearing up, mostly due to the shock from manager-nim yelling at us but also guilty of what we've done to frustrate him.

The girls gathers around me to console me.

"Eunbi ah... It's okay now. Don't cry.", Yerin attempts to console me.


"Manager-nim was probably moody, don't mind him.", Second attempt.


Yerin lift my chin and wipe my tears away like a parent would to their child.

"Sobs... Unnie..."

"It's okay now Eunbi.", she hugged me.

"Let's bring her back to the room first.", Sowon suggested.

More than shame, I felt bad for troubling everyone to take care of me! I love these girls all the more because of the affection they show at times like this.

So Yerin and I are in our room now and the girls goes to their own rooms.

I sit on my bed, still gloomy from the incident and Yerin sat on her bed parallel to mine, facing me in tension as she did not know what to say or how to cheer me up.



"...", *makes a funny face*

I giggled, would've laughed if I didn't just cry.

And I swear, this Unnie has no care for how she uses her face.

"Yayyyy, Eunbi is smiling again!", Yerin squeals in delight.

"Thanks Unnie, I can't imagine my life without you!"

"EHHH? What are you saying now?", Yerin blushes at my statement.

"I mean it Unnie, I wanna be with Yeoja Chingu forever!"

"You cute little...", she pins me down on the bed playfully.

Normally it would be awkward and there would be tensions in this kind of situation, I mean it's 2 person in a room one on top of the other. But not us, our usual display of affection shows why.

Nonetheless, I was happy. Really happy when she pinned me down. I can't help it but weird thoughts was running through my head. Are we gonna... ... make out?

We started at each other for awhile. Pretty sure it wasn't more than a minute but that minute felt like eternity. I blinked my eyes to display my cuteness and she suddenly smirks.

Yerin leans in closer to my face...

"I can't imagine my life without you either...", she whispered in my ears and got off me.

AISH, that was anticlimactic. But still I got doki doki after hearing what she whispered.

"Unnie, let's eat the macarons we bought." *I sat myself up*

"Of course, let me get it."

We conversed while we were munching away on the macarons.

"You enjoying the macarons?", Yerin asked.

"Yeap, what's wrong?", I asked cause Yerin wasn't really eating her macaron.

"It's nothing. It's just I rarely eat macarons cause they are too sweet for me."

"Ahhh I guess you're not into sweet stuffs."

"That's not true."


"I'm into you."

I died.

We continued to converse while eating before washing up and calling it a day.

We slept in our own beds just so you know.

"Eunbi ah..."

"Yes Unnie?"

"Do you mean what you said?"

"About what?"

"... ..."


"About the macarons."

"Of course Unnie!"

"That's good to know!"

I thought that was a pretty random question.

"We should turn in now Eunbi, got a long schedule tomorrow."


"I love you Eunbi, goodnights!"

"Love you too Unnie, goodnights!"

And we dozed off.

"Unnie will always love you Eunbi...", I heard this in my dream.

My dream was disrupted by someone's violent shaking.

"Mhmm... Unnie?"

"Unnie? It's me Umji!"

I became conscious and realise it was Umji who woke me.

"Unnie, hurry up and wash yourself. We gotta go soon!"

"Where's Yerin?", I asked.


"Yeap, Yerin Unnie."

"Ahhh, she's in the opposite room."

I'm pretty sure I was staying in the same room as Yerin. How did you end up next door?

I went over to the opposite room and pressed the bell.

A female staff opened the door.

"Good Morning Yerin Unnie!", Umji greeted the staff.

But that's not the Yerin I was talking about...

"Umji ah, where's Yerin??"

"In front of you here!"

"I'm talking about Yerin Unnie! Yeoja Chingu member!"

"Unnie, there's no Yerin in our group."


"The 5 members in our group are..."

I'm just really lost at this point, I wasn't listening to Umji anymore.

I quickly unlocked my phone and looked at our group photo.

My god...

- End-
