
Showing posts from October, 2017

But on the other hand 15/10/2017 was awesome

Main highlight of the day was GameStart 2017, it was awesome af. All the different booths, SEA Majors etc. They were all appealing and interesting to me. I play league frequently at home (Bronzie tho) where I felt at comfort and performed better. But when I played league at the event (1v1 blind pick no ban), the feeling, excitement and adrenaline I have then was something I never felt before. I used Miss Fortune for all the matches I played and albeit I performed worse than how I usually do at home, I had a lot more fun playing at the event. I was nervous and trembling as I was queuing for the games and while I was playing for the first few games but I eventually got used to environment. My Win rate ratio was (4w : 2l). And guess what??? I GOT TO MEET TANUKANA, YES THE CUTE JAPANESE PLAYER WHO PLAYS TEKKEN 7 AND MAIN LING XIAOYU OBVFUIEHFOFJE. Never got to play tekken 7 at the event tho because I forgot to bring my own gamepad. Got to catch up with a bunch of...

So lost right now
